Womanition - BizBrigade

Barbara Steckly was amongst a panel of speakers on the topic of “How to Plan your Business.” Barbara spoke about “full cycle bookkeeping”, about a bookkeeping professional who works with you long-term, as your’ business PARTNER, in essence, doing everything possible to make a positive difference in your business’s bottom line.
She also talked about a new program Preferred Client Services is offering “Know Your Numbers - Countdown to Financial Success.” The program is designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs needing outside help to set their financial targets and plan the marketing strategies needed to meet them on a monthly basis.
“You cannot hit a target you cannot see. Actually knowing where you’re aiming is your first step to success.” - Barbara Steckly
A big thank you goes out to the Preferred Client Services guests and team members that attended. It’s because of amazing woman like you that make this event a great success!