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Tip Of The Day #37 - The Power of a Plan

Barbara Steckly

Barbara Steckly

business planning, power of a plan preferred client services bookkeepers edmonton alberta

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

I second Alan Lakein’s insightful outlook there!

As a business owner, myself, I notice that this holds true for me as well as my staff members. If you start the day without any kind of plan, any idea of what you intend to accomplish, even a mere to-do list, then inevitably you’ll find most of your day gets wasted.

So let’s put things in perspective. There’s always going to be something more to get finished, that’s a given. You can never “do it all” in one day, so, if you’ve been productive to the best of your ability given the circumstances, don’t internally berate yourself when there’s still ongoing projects on your desk, incomplete tasks left on your list, as work hours come to an end.

Simply list them as your goals for the next morning. That way, when you next get to the office, you have immediate focus on specific objectives you can work on right away.  Start with the most important item. Once that’s completed, move to the next in priority. Again, even if you don’t get every little task finished before close of business, at least you know the most important ones are out of the way.

Experiencing a new pride in your daily discipline of success and a profound satisfaction in all your achievements, you’ll start to view your work hours more positively as you continue to move forward exceling at even more accomplishments.

As Henry David Thoreau would say, “Never look back....unless you are planning to go that way.”

Preferred Client Services, professional bookkeepers in Edmonton, AB working as business partners to make a positive difference to your bottom line. 

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